Me, Myself and I

★When★Nothing★Goes★ Right★Go★Left

Time to go teal

This month is Alzheimers Awareness Month and AFA 30 Days of Teal.

Credit Originalpic: Adam Fergus
You can find more informations here
What am i doing to support it?
First of all, i made my Twitter and Instagram Profile pic teal. I make others Profilpics teal too, and i love to do it.
Me and my pawesome Scotch. <3
I also changed the design of my page teal & decided to change my headers for this month in teal too.
That´s not all. In a few days (11th November) the 3rd LTTU <3 campaign from David Haydn-Jones starts and the profits will benefit alzfdn.
If you want to know how the story of Less Then Three came to be. Here is the story told by David himself.
It all started with my embarrassing Social Media faux pas.
As people started to find me, I kept seeing <3 popping up in my feeds. As a daft “newb”, I actually thought I was being trolled and that people were rating me unfavorably! That is until the generous community quickly (whilst stifling their laughter, I’m sure) educated me that <3 was an old texting emoji for a heart and was meant to say “LOVE”. Well, haha… THAT felt much better.
Others, thank goodness, soon told me that they too had been confused by it at one time. Phew. Now I wasn’t alone. I had love and empathy coming on my side. Then a lovely woman on Twitter told me that she and her partner actually say, “I Less Than Three You” to each other after I just had used the same turn of phrase; being the cheeky math nerd I am.
Now we had something; OUR official inside joke! It got hash-tagged, re-tweeted, memed, and shortened to #LTTU. It warmed my heart and showed me, a social media critic, what GOOD could come from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Well, now, that mistake, turned joke, turned meme, turned apparel is going to do some good in the world. Profits from the sales will go to benefit my very personal and chosen charity: The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.
For my Nana. And my wonderful Grandfather, Aunts, Mother and part-time caregiver who nurtured her and gave comfort.

Source: Davids Instagram

Here at Represent Davids <3 Store you will find the new campaign soon & you also can order the 1st and the 2nd LTTU <3 Designs.
I will for sure buy something from that campaign and will share and promote it as much as possible. Be prepared.
I will update this post, will include edits of what´s possible to buy from all 3 campaigns. As soon as the shop is open again. Other news too.
You also can buy his Makin´ Bacon Single for 0,99 $ and the proceeds all go also to the The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. I bought the song a while ago & i love it. I always get hungry when i listen to that song. Could it be the bacon?!
You can buy it here:
How did Alzheimer disease affect your life? I really love to hear your stories. I have the luck that no one in our family has or had the disease. It´s hard to imagine how someone with Alzheimers feels.
What are you doing for #AFA30DaysofTeal #AlzheimersAwarenessMonth?
Do you have other ideas what i could do? Please let me know.
Would also love to add all of your teal pictures to my blogs, of course i would link back to your profile. Just send them to my email: with subject “Teal” and include your information to were i should link back.

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